Obsessed Gon' Wrong

Posted by IDKShit on Thursday, July 30, 2009 , under | comments (0)

I think Mariah and Nick Carey might of did exactly what Eminem wanted them to told when they released "Obsessed" and followed up with a video. Personally, I'm pissed that it's actually a single because that shit is trash (Single-Wise). Anyway they bit off more than they can chew. Eminem lashes back on this track with no remorse.


Will Nick Carey respond?
Of course he will.......
R.I.P. Nick Carey & Mariah Carey

Hood Rich?

Posted by IDKShit on Saturday, July 25, 2009 , under | comments (5)

Do you make it rain in the club;
Got a dope chain;

Riding on Dubs or better;

And still live at yo mommas crib?

If you answered yes to any of these questions; you my friend is Hood Rich!!

Today a fellow blogger asked " Why do some black people fail in things they attempt to do?". Her asking this question brought a range of thoughts to my head looking for a viable answer. Reasons and circumstances are quite possibly endless, but instead of breaking down the reasons for the ones that actually work hard and strive for positive outcomes. I'd rather give my opinion on those that rather chose to repress themselves from succeeding. My Definition of "hood rich" ~ One who relinquishes all/most their income with materialistic items and loyalty to the "brand name" while giving a distasteful appearance of wealthiness

Quite Simply..

Turn on the TV on to BET right now, over the course of a hour count how much BS they're trying to sell you; Not the commercials. I'm talking bout the same dumb ass videos you watch every week. The repeat imagery Cars, Sexy Models, Jewelry, Big House, Drugs, Money, Shopping Sprees, and so forth, played over, and over, and over again. Did anywhere in between those videos did they inform you how to obtain any of the listed above items? Besides rapping, drug dealing, stripping or pimping?

Didn't think so.

This is where I think shit starts getting fucked up. Now you a have an audience of people that are seeing these things but have no proper road map for obtaining the things we cram in their faces on a daily basis. They start to begin to think they gotta have these things to be seen as successful. Settling for the bootlegs and knockoffs or spending their bottom dollar to get the "real shit", like the rent's due but you have to have those Gucci shades so you can hit the club tonight. Put that money in the bank and stop "Making it Rain" Pacman

"Nigga Please"


Half On A Baby

Posted by IDKShit on Friday, July 24, 2009 , under | comments (0)

With today's big talk going to Nas and Kelis I found it fitting to discuss that as a topic today. If you haven't heard Kelis has been awarded 44k a month in child support payments that's $1400 a day, 528k a year, 9.5mil for 18 years!!

I'm Rich Bitch!!!

The fucked up thing about it is I don't even think Nas makes enough money a month to support those payments. If does, he really won't have the money 10 , 15 years from now.

How much you need this month?
44k dollars!! Still? I told yo ass 10 years ago I don't have that!

Nas is gonna be working like a slave for the next decade or two, so all you Nas fans out there reach deep into your pockets and fork over that 15 dollars and so Kelis can drive round in her baby momma range. This nigga is going to need it for real!

Moral of the story:
Rappers/Musicians/Entertainers/Rich Niggas/ Regular Niggas
Stop fronting like you got more money than you actually have, Cause these women want half!!

The Friend Zone

Posted by IDKShit on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 , under , | comments (0)

"The friend zone (or friendship zone) is a popular psychology concept found in many texts geared towards a male audience about "dating advice." It refers to the situation where the female has begun to view a male as a friend only and not a potential suitor, a psychological classification supposedly exceptionally difficult to undo." - Wikipedia

Let me start by saying that falling into the "friend zone" can happen to any man. It happens to the best of us; believe me. I can admit that I was a member once or twice in my life. What are some signs that your in the "friend zone"?

  1. She openly tells you about guys she dates or would like to date.
  2. She calls you at any possible time (Usually for a favor)
  3. You've seen her naked once or twice but that didn't lead to anything
  4. She says you remind her of her brother
  5. She invites you to go shopping with her (She needs a guy's opinion on what to wear)
Being in the "friend zone" isn't exactly a bad thing if you want to be there. There are circumstances that I would encourage you to be in that "friend zone".

  1. You're in a relationship
  2. You're Gay
Other than that I don't understand why any single man would want to comfortably be in the "friend zone". Trying to be platonic friends is almost impossible if one party is somewhat attracted to the other. Overtime that attraction won't do anything but blossom if their friendship goes well. Here are some reasons you're in the "friend zone".

  1. You're Mr.Nice Guy - Nowadays women aren't use to a man being genuinely nice to them so when they get that guy, they'll keep him around. So he can tell her what she wants to hear, do favors for her, comfort her on nights she feels lonely and so forth.
  2. Pockets Is Lacking - The #1 reason a woman would have sex with a man is because of his money. Let them bullshit you and say its not true but how often dude you see a bum with a woman? A millionaire with a Playboy Bunny? Exactly! Women get turned on when a man displays himself as a good provider.
  3. Just Not That Attractive - Women are more into the aesthetics of things; pretty much everything; including men. She wants to show you off to her friends, family and co-worker. When you guys go out your her "accessory" you complement her. So don't look "good" around her look "great".
  4. Always Available - The biggest red flag to a woman to throw you in the "friend zone" is when you're always available, Time-wise and relationship-wise. If she knows she can call you anytime of day to invite you over for blockbuster night and you show up 30 minutes flat with movies and popcorn you're asking to be in the "friend zone". Tell her you're busy climbing Mt.Everest or something, tell her you can't you got a date tonight. Women hate when they can't have something they want but she'll understand that your time valuable when she calls on you. Most importantly she knows exactly what you prefer than being in the "friend zone" with her.
With that said I'm done for now......

I Love Me Some Women But You Can Have ThisTypes

Posted by IDKShit on Tuesday, July 14, 2009 , under | comments (0)


Don't Know?
Well they're all Hoodrats!!!
Well at least in my book. What I'm getting at is that hoodrats can come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes. Fellas make sure you raps it up when you hitting the sheets with these ladies unless you planning on visiting NYC anytime soon. I hear the Muary Show is always looking for that next Rayquindanesha the project jumpoff to sit down on the couch with Muary. Shit hearing a woman tell 5 different men that she's 1000% sure that they're the daddy of their child is great TV ugh hmm I mean great Day Time Tv. Why did I picked these women you ask? You got time? Cause I can make a long ass list but I won't. Maybe I will, I'll just illaberate some othertime a brother is tired.


Nothing Wrong With Looking

Posted by IDKShit on Monday, July 13, 2009 , under | comments (0)

Recently our President Barack Obama was photographed allegedly looking at the ass of some 17 year old chick, if he was?. Besides the fact that she's 17; Is there honestly anything wrong with that? Nicolas Sarkozy (The man next to Obama) doesn't find anything wrong with it, and I doubt his country cares also. So what's the big fuss? In my opinion I kinda wished he did look at it, (Scratch That) I know Obama did! And that shows just how smooth he actually is. From now on, Obama is the Ice Man 2.0. With that action Obama guaranteed himself a repeat vote by me in 2012 for him. I salute you Mr.President...

Baby Got Back!

Absolute Value "Stop & Go"

Posted by IDKShit on , under | comments (0)

The Absolute Value team came together and created some heat just in time for their Absolute Value show at Up or On The Rock, Downtown Hartford, July 15th. You should be in the building for this one seriously.

The #Sidechick

Posted by IDKShit on Tuesday, July 7, 2009 , under | comments (0)

Today on twiter I spoke on the other woman aka the #sidechick so search that on twitter, I'll add it to the page later I'm out but watch this video I found a year ago or so.

Welcome To I Don't Know Shit But Listen

Posted by IDKShit on , under | comments (1)

Welcome to my blog I Don't Know Shit But Listen. Here I'll be giving the world my lil advice on everything from Relationships to Money to Fashion to Sports and whatever else I eventually find myself somewhat knowledgeable on. Once again I Don't Know Shit But Listen......

Sometimes I will be posting videos I find interesting to go along with what I'm saying because remember ... I Don't Know Shit But Listen......

Thanx and welcome to I Don't Know Shit But Listen......