I'm Back
Thursday, September 3, 2009
, Posted by IDKShit at 20:59
Damn I've been gone a long time!! Don't worry folks it should never happen again. August has been a very hectic yet painful month. For starters I spent 9 days in the hospital after being diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, you might want to Google that one. Don't worry though I'm good and extremely healthy once again. To add though, when I got out my wifi router was all fucked up so BAM!!! no internet for a while. Then once I finally got it back on spent countless hours catching up on my online course for work. So there you have it, my dumb excuses on why I've been neglecting my blog page for so long. With that said lets get back to business!!
awwww that pic is cute
hospital food looks so processed lmao
Glad to have ya back
Good to hear it my boy...